All videos we’ve produced or shared to date (most recent at the top). Click on each one to view and share!
Two inspiring stories. One amazing healing could just make your day. [Video]
“God had a plan” – Troy’s Story Part 2 [Video]
“I was supposed to die in prison” Troy’s Story, Part 1 [Video]
Watch “The Julian Alco Story” here on Oct 23rd at 4 p.m. Pacific
Inmate serving life joins with chaplain to pray for girlfriend suffering with covid [Video]
Shelly finds Christian Science serving time in jail, gets early release, finds community [Video]
Chaplain Chris shares story of an inmate in lockdown who learns how to heal himself and others [Video]
Just released from San Quentin: Michael’s transformation in Christian Science + Chaplain Dan [Video]
An inmate’s prayers heals a condition often considered “incurable.” [Video]
Manage anger? Or heal anger? An inmate learns God’s choice. [Video]
New to Christian Science, inmate finds relief exploring the power of gratitude [Video]
Forgiveness brings freedom. Watch this inspiring video with Chaplain Lydia [Video]
An inmate’s prayers not only heal him of pain, see how his sentencing is affected too. [Video]
Watch the remarkable conclusion of Joseph’s story, after serving more than 30 years (Part 2) [Video]
Hear the incredible story of a man who spent 37 years in prison…and found a new direction (Part 1) [Video]
Inmate’s transformation ends drug use, unifies family. Thank you, Chaplain Lydia! [Video]
Thank you Chaplain George. [Video]
Meet Carlos Part 2: The rest of the story of finding Christian Science serving a life sentence in prison [Video]
Meet Carlos Part 1: Finding Christian Science serving a life sentence in prison [Video]
Inmate with incurable blood disease meets Christian Science chaplain, and then… [Video]
Turning your life around in prison starts with individual transformations…like this heartwarming one you’re about to see [Video]
Youth detention centers are locked-down during the pandemic – this Chaplain hasn’t forgotten them [Video]
Letter writing ministry makes impact during prison & jail lockouts [Video]
Can a virus be cured by prayer? [Video]
Need a quick uplift right about now? [Video]
Inmate taken off multiple “psych meds” after visits with Christian Science Chaplain [Video]
Learn how The Principle Foundation gives former inmates money to help them after release — Watch video for details!
An inmate almost commits suicide, but then finds life is worth living [Video]
Inmate diagnosed with blood disease is healed after meeting with chaplain [Video]
Watch this inspiring video telling of two inmates experiencing healing at the same time [Video]
First intern for Light in Prison shares her perspective [Video]
Inmate who gets no visitors receives visits from Chaplain & his health begins to steadily improve! [Video]
See what this chaplain does to help an incarcerated man, whose daughter needs major surgery… [Video]
Released from prison with few resources, how do you make it? Listen to Cornell’s story… [Video]
If you’ve ever wondered if or how prayer “heals” this short video might be worth a look. [Video]
Just by simply forgiving her cellmates, an inmate gets this small yet BIG surprise from God… [Video]
Inmate’s change in character produces an unsought after — but amazing — result [Video]
Inmate healed of “incurable” disease after reading Science and Health, doctor confirms [Video]
Here’s what one church is doing to grow …and it’s pretty interesting. [Video]
From – What really happens behind bars? Insiders make videos to show you. [Video]
While in prison this man had an experience with God you’re going to want to hear about. [Video]
Prayer of ‘self-surrender’ provides joyful surprise for woman inmate connecting with her children [Video]
Can your thoughts reunite you with an estranged family member? Watch and see. [Video]
Our veterans can sure use your spiritual guidance and help. [Video]
From Despite spike in shootings, a Chicago community gets a handle on violence
Here’s how one former inmate has managed to succeed on the outside–against the odds. [Video]
God heals an inmate in pain. Watch what happens. [Video]
Priest serving time in prison finds new purpose after meeting with Chaplain Lidya [Video]
See why officers bring chaplain for help with violent inmate in solitary confinement [Video]
How an angry ex-military inmate with double life-sentences finds peace, physical healing, and a new sense of service [Video]
Why did a prison inmate, about to kill his enemy, change his mind? [Video]
Light in Prison Interfaith Series: Interview with Professor Abdullah Ali, a Muslim chaplain
Arrested, alone and terrified – young woman gets reunited with family [Video]
Brightening a Prison Wall – Mural Artist Brings Hope to Inmates [Video]
Welcome Home, Welcome to our Church – Part 3: Are you willing to be a home for those coming out of prison? [Video]
Could you forgive the people who killed your family? [Video]
Inmate’s young daughter asks him to “change” – see the impact of prayer [Video]
Inmate’s prayer heals need for heart surgery – Guest interview with Janet Horton [Video]
Skeptical inmate experiences healing through prayer in CA state prison [Video]
Welcome Home, Welcome to our Church – Part 2: Are you and your membership prepared?
Newly incarcerated inmate learns how to pray and heal [Video]
Welcome Home, Welcome to our Church – Part 1: Are you prepared to welcome returning citizens to your church? [Video]
Video: Inmates break free from cell to help ill jailer
Woman released from high security mental hospital after chaplain’s visit and prayer [Video]
Down Syndrome Diagnosis for Unborn Baby Reversed – See what happened. [Video]
A super inspiring mural art ministry inside prisons and jails [Video]
Can a mental illness like schizophrenia really be cured? The answer goes against the odds. [Video]
A spiritual transformation that even amazed the State of California [Video]
Is it possible for prayer to heal deafness today? See for yourself… [Video]
Building Bridges: An Introduction to Buddhist Teachings – Light in Prison Interfaith Series [Video]
Watch How this County’s “Reentry” Program Produces Major Drop in Recidivism [Exclusive Video]
The Power of Prayer is Enormous
Interview with Rev. Dr. Charles Tinsley – Light in Prison Interfaith Series
Inmate missing her kids and struggling with her ex-husband finds harmony [Video en Español]
How an Inmate’s Prayer Healed His Eye [VIDEO]
Watch what changes occur when “Hardened criminal”–facing 30 years– experiences profound spiritual transformation…
Can the crippled and the lame still be healed? You be the judge…
Can a marriage survive a spouse being in prison? Statistics say no. God says yes.
Beating heroin addiction in prison – One inmate’s story [VIDEO]
How would you react to danger like this? Inmate protected from a man with a knife [VIDEO]
How prayer brings near instant calm to a youth detention center on lockdown [VIDEO]
Healing Newscast – Doctors Told Him He Might Never Walk Again [Video]
“A change of heart” — Healing Newscast Video
Incredible true story of men released from prison who DEFY the return-to-prison statistics!
Screaming inmate calmed through the practice of love [VIDEO]
6 Theories About the Recent Dramatic Reduction in LA’s Gang Violence
Learning new skills – The prisoners trying to code their way to a better life
Watch Video: Inspiring story of an inmate’s severe pain healed spiritually
VIDEO: Christian behavior does change lives, sometimes in unexpected ways
Excellent TED Talk: How prisons can help inmates live meaningful lives
Man cured of insanity
Chaplain’s Video: A quick healing at a mental hospital
Introducing the Light in prison Interview Series: Sharing stories of hope and progress
Sheriff’s innovative inmate training program (AB 109 Auto Workshop) saves Tehama County thousands
Chaplain’s Video: Inmate’s Prayer Heals an Infected Foot
“Are you being called?” – What Do Christian Science Chaplains Do – (Video)
Healing Newscast 102: September 2013 – Chaplin Marlon (Video)
What Christian Scientists Believe (Video)
Praying More Effectively (Video)
Healing Newscast 101: September 2013 – Chaplain George (Video)