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Donate By Check

Please make checks out to “Christian Science Committee on Institutional Work in California” and send to:

Sharon Maxwell, Executive Secretary
C.S. Comm. on Inst. Work in CA
P.O. Box 1237, Hollister, CA  95024-1237

Phone: (831) 265-7717

Here’s why. The Christian Science Committee on Institutional Work in California, through the dedicated work of our chaplains, brings healing and redemption to those incarcerated in the state’s prisons and jails.  Our recently created, “Adopt a prison” program alerts churches and individuals to the needs of the local institutions they serve so that prayers can bring solutions. And this website was created to focus light on the progress being made to heal criminal and anti-social tendencies, to reduce recidivism, and finally eliminate the need for a system of incarceration.

By investing in this ministry work, you’re helping to make a positive and tangible difference. Now, more than ever in the state’s prison history, rehabilitation, training and education (as a result of Assembly Bill 109) are beginning to outweigh punitive measures of reform. The penetrating light of the Christ is dissolving traditional thinking of incarceration. And it’s happening quickly.

The Committee is involved in a number of worthwhile projects, listed below.  Each project needs ongoing funding to grow and prosper. By contributing to these activities, you are hastening a great achievement—one that will actively and permanently keep “crime in check”. (Remember, your generous donations are tax-deductible).

On-going Chaplain expenses. The money raised pays for the various expenses incurred by our Chaplains for travel to institutions as well as to pay for copies of the Bible, Science and Health, and other Christian Science periodical subscriptions for inmates.

On-going promotions and presentations.The money raised pays for members of the State Committee to continue to make public presentations throughout the state regarding this important healing and redemptive work in the prisons and jails. Presentations are also how we attract and recruit new chaplains, assistant chaplains, and local committee workers.

Videos that appear on the site. The money raised pays to create and edit 2 new videos each month (24 new videos each year). One of the monthly videos that we produce is the “Healing Newscast” which features Christian Science chaplains telling of their amazing healing experiences inside the prisons and jails.

On-going development of (our official website). The money raised pays our editor’s salary, our web programming expenses, travel expenses and related administrative costs.