Letter writing ministry makes impact during prison & jail lockouts [Video]

Roughly 60% of those serving time in California prisons or jails receive no visitors or letters from those on the outside. Being forgotten–or written-off–is a sentence in itself.

Thankfully, there are people who write to inmates offering encouragement as well as ideas that can result in transforming their lives. And that’s what this video is about.

Take a moment and listen to how Chaplain Beth approaches her letter-writing ministry. Who knows, maybe you’ll even want to join her!

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10 thoughts on “Letter writing ministry makes impact during prison & jail lockouts [Video]

  1. Elisabeth Seaman

    If I were to write a letter, might I have ongoing correspondence with one particular inmate?

    • Sharon Maxwell

      Elizabeth, corresponding chaplains have an ongoing correspondence with specific inmates.

  2. Susan Anderson

    That exactly what we need to add to our program in Washington state. How do you get the letters to your chaplains from your PO Box? Does your state secretary just mail them on then to each person who’s writing ? How did you find you’re willing writers ?

    • Sharon Maxwell

      Hi Susan,
      I would be happy to help you all get set up with this. I get the letters at the PO Box and then scan and email them to the chaplains. They also scan their responses to me and I save them on the Cloud. They mail their letters directly to the inmates, and the office is the return address that is used. Anonymity is very important. As far as getting people. We have a large organization and a process for vetting people to become visiting chaplains, corresponding chaplains and chaplain assistants. My contact information is below.
      Sharon Maxwell

  3. Cathryn G Rathsam

    Love this video sharing. Thank you, Chaplain Beth and producers. How can I get involved? I live in San Diego and used to be active w the comt in Orange Cty.
    Cathryn Rathsam

    • Sharon Maxwell

      Hi Cathryn,
      We do have a local committee in San Diego. Feel free to contact me to get contact information. I am the Executive Secretary for the state institutional committee. E-mail: cs.state.co@gmail.com or call 831-265-7717 I would be happy to help you get re-involved!
      Sharon Maxwell

  4. Sharon Maxwell

    Hi Madeline, Thank you for inquiring into the corresponding chaplain program. At this time no one outside of CA can participate in our program. If you have any questions or would like to know how to get this started in your area, contact the Executive Secretary, Sharon Maxwell at 831-265-7717 or email at cs.state.co@gmail.com
    How wonderful that you are volunteering at two facilities near you! You are indeed spreading the “seed” of Christian Science and we are so grateful for that!

  5. Madeline Cassidy

    Hello, this is a wonderful idea. I live on Long Island and volunteer at two correctional facilities here. They at this time do not encourage letter writing but I hope this will change. In the meanwhile, is it possible for me to join in this effort on California? I am a member of The Mother Church and my Society in Bay Shore and am class taught. Thank you for responding as convenient for you. Madeline Cassidy

  6. Ginny Nilsen

    I have used JPay to communicate for two years with an inmate in Missouri and now one in Pomona, CA. I would like our California guy to receive a S&H, a Journal, Sentinel and Monitor if you can help me arrange it with the CS Publishing Society. Thanks, Ginny Nilsen, CS Azusa, CA

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