Largely unreported in the news, an average of three inmates per month in California prisons and jails take their own lives. Your prayers can make all the difference to someone who feels they have nothing left to live for.
You are about to hear of a young inmate who attempts suicide and sustains a serious head injury in the process. Shortly thereafter, the man meets Christian Science Chaplain Chris and things begin to turn around for him. Learning about God can change how we think about ourselves. which brings about a healing too. In fact, this story may be one you will want to share with anyone who feels there may be no way out of darkness.
Your comments are always welcome. For those of you who have shared before, well, please share again!
Thank you, David, very inspiring. We loved the « upward trajectory.
Thank you so much for that report on the young man. To talk about identity with folks in prison is really helpful. Thank you for bringing that out.
Thank you, Chaplain Chris, for sharing this wonderful healing experience with the inmate. What a blessing you chaplains are to those incarcerated.