If you like “transformation” stories you’ll like this video.
In particular it’s the spiritual shift that causes an “impossible” outcome that you really want to notice.
We don’t use the word “impossible” in any light way to describe the ending. Historically speaking this is an ending to a story that NEVER happens. And these are the sentiments expressed by the judicial system of the State of California.
Briefly these are the themes involved:
- Drugs.
- Alcohol.
- Depression.
- Suicidal urges.
- A violent disposition.
- Physically dangerous to others.
- Someone to be avoided.
- Even on the inside.
- Disowned by her family.
- Facing 54 years of prison time.
- Not much going right.
Until she crosses paths with a God who mends broken lives.
And Chaplain Cindy.
A sweet, gentle Christian Science Chaplain.
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Cindy, I love how this woman shared that she saw the spiritual transformation of other women around her who were also sharing this testimony in being women of faith- “whatever blesses one blesses all.”
God is blessing you and all whom you touch in your prayer-filled ministry.
Thank you!
Thanks Cindy! What an inspiration. I love your sweet and tender telling of this story. I had tears welling up. You are inded about your “Father’s business”
That was great, Cindy
What a beautiful testimony of God’s grace in prison. Thank you Cindy for all your dedication, love and support of this ministry.
Thanks, Cindy, for sharing this lovely experience. How amazing and humbling it is to be a part of the healing transformation in the lives of others, especially in the correctional facilities. God bless you.
Whether our ‘prison’ has walls, bars or mental and physical barriers, we can be “restored: returned to our original” with the right structure of thought to sweep away the “belief systems” that bind. Thank you so much Cindy for all that you are doing to sweep away the barriers to our right Identity. God Bless. <3
Thank you for this lovely demonstration of God’s ever present love for His child.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. It inspires me in my own prison work.
One little thing, in future, if the setting is outside, the camera person should ask the subject to remove his/her glasses as the reflected light in them hid Cindy’s beautiful eyes and all you could see was the camera person reflected in her glasses.
Thanks for the heads-up Susan! I’ll definitely pay attention to “glare” and “camera-man mirroring” in the future.
Thank you, Cindy, for sharing this amazing spiritual transformation. How fortunate that you were able to help her open her mind to the possibilities that await her.
What a wonderful testimony of Gods grace and blessing to this woman and her family. Truly she was redeemed, healed and transformed.
Thanks for the very important and encouraging work you’re doing, Cindy! I was very inspired by this outstanding healing!
“…sweet seasons of renewal…” – We all know it is possible and it is such a joy to hear it told! <3
I met this inmate when I first started as a Chaplain’s Assistant at this prison. I found her filled with joy, humor, energy, and boundless gratitude to God and to the genuine, loving, steadfast support of Chaplain Cindy. Her growth in Spirit inspired me! I loved hearing this – thank you, Cindy!
Thank you, Cindy. I think Mrs. Eddy would be very pleased with this healing work!
There’s nothing more important going on in the world!
How inspiring and moving! I love these monthly videos. They are EVIDENCE of God’s power, grace, and LOVE. Thank you, Cindy, and all those working as chaplains — following in the footsteps of the Master Christian, Christ Jesus — and in Mary Baker Eddy’s footsteps also — as the discoverer of the underlying Science of Jesus’s healings and teachings — giving them to the world in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures so that we may all “go and do likewise.”
“What cannot God do?. Hearing this story of transformation is proof of God’s love for all of us. Thank you for sharing.
Your loving, committed dedication to this precious work is inspiring, Cindy!
Good to see you at work “about your Father’s business” Cindy! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Cindy, for sharing. What a wonderful transformation.
Such a beautiful example. Thank you, Cindy, for all the wonderful work you’re doing, and for sharing this with us.