Building Bridges: Welcome to Our Interfaith Video Series
When Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus — and those in other faith traditions — share what they believe and why they believe it, good things begin to occur. For example sharing breaks down the walls of misunderstanding. And this in turn leads to greater tolerance. Which in turn leads to more inclusion and acceptance.
The point of this interfaith dialogue is to cherish the universality of God’s message and to rejoice that God blesses, informs and guides each of us.
Each of the video interviews presented in this series are approximately five to six minutes or so in length. We try to capture what’s at the heart of each theology so that you’ll be exposed to some basic knowledge that will make it easier to understand other faith traditions. Hopefully from there you’ll want to dig down even further and explore the richness and depth of the varieties of different faith traditions all around us. Perhaps you’ll consider visiting their church, synagogue, mosque or temple.
Interview with Rev. Dr. Charles Tinsley – Light in Prison Interfaith Series
Rev. Dr. Charles Tinsley is Presbyterian minister who serves as the Head Chaplain for Contra Costa Juvenile Hall in Martinez, California.
Have some insight to add? Want to leave a comment?
We are more similar than different!
Rev. Tinsley spoke about the Prayer of Illumination used in the Presbyterian churches. That has some similarities to the First Tenet where Christian Scientists take “the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.” Thank you Rev. Tinsley for sharing your spiritual gifts and inspiration with the hungering and thirsting hearts in your youth work!
I’m looking forward to this easy, free, enjoyable way of finding out about other faiths. Thanks for creating this series!
I feel these interviews are a great way to look at what we share in common as well as the uniqueness of our differences. Open-mindedness and acceptance of other viewpoints that don’t exclude help to create a safe and respectful environment.
Rev. Dr. Tinsley conveys his faith in such a simple, loving and humble way. What a blessing Lightinprison is bringing to its audience through this series. Thank you.
I look forward to viewing more about faith traditions. This was a great way to learn
about the Presbyterian Church. Thank you, Rev. Dr.Tinsley!
What I love about learning about faith traditions is how much we all have in common. I am involved with an interfaith council in my community and have grown in my appreciation for all the good that is done and the mutual love for God we all share. It is such an opportunity to expand and live our daily prayer for everyone in our communities. Thank you so much for this lovely example of sharing. And thanks so much to Rev. Tinsley.
How wonderful to learn more about other faith traditions. Thank you so much for this program to share in this interview format. Great idea! Very helpful in better understanding our universal love of God.