Inmate missing her kids and struggling with her ex-husband finds harmony [Video en Español]

Hola y bienvenido. Yes we’re now going to be offering some of our Healing Newscasts in Spanish. And you are about to see and hear the first one.

Don’t worry if you don’t speak this beautiful language. We have subtitles so you can follow along and not miss a thing.

When a woman locked up in jail has young children on the outside, the pain of separation and loss can be unbearable. And this is the sad case for many women in our state prisons and jails. But what happens when your children are now in the care of your “ex-husband?” And to add to the drama, it’s an “ex” who may not wish you well. An “ex” who doesn’t speak well of you. An “ex” who may not want you to see or associate with your children at all.

You can see how this would bring about a deep sadness and regret.

But then prayer gets introduced into the picture. And not just any prayer. But a prayer that began with “listening.” Still you might be wondering if any kind of prayer is enough to actually soften another’s hardheartedness? Can it melt down another’s hostility and anger?

Absolutely yes. According to Christian Science Chaplain Rebecca, who met with this women in jail, this is exactly what God can do through prayer when we surrender our wants and our fears to God. And when one no longer wishes to draw battle lines between family members, that’s the opening that let’s God’s soothing love in.

But see for yourself. We think this is a wonderful story and a timely reminder that when we’re silent and listen to God, that He provides both the prayer and its solution.

Is there a family member in your life that needs your forgiveness or encouragement? Or do you need to be forgiven? Then maybe this woman’s story will inspire you. We hope so. And remember, God’s love and forgiveness is as near as your willingness to accept and impart it.

As always we invite you to feel free to leave a comment or tell your own story. We really do love hearing from you.

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10 thoughts on “Inmate missing her kids and struggling with her ex-husband finds harmony [Video en Español]

  1. PK Smith

    Chaplain Rebecca, thank you for your service to the Hispanic community, the need is great and the workers few. There truly is a great hunger for the Truth, the bread of Life.

  2. Clementine Suiffet

    Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing how prayer is listening to God for answers. You weren’t outlining or hoping something would work out a certain way. Things just opened up for a resolution to occur. I’m glad the woman is able to see her children.

  3. Bill Bruegmann

    So glad that Chaplain Rebecca could help this mom feel the harmony and protection of God’s presence operating in her life. Thank you, Chaplain Rebecca for following the example of Christ Jesus and for sharing the joy that comes with an awareness of the light and love of God for all His children.

  4. shirleypaulson

    Beautiful story! I’m so happy for the prayer and for the grace of God to work in such urgently needed places!

  5. Evelyn Brookins

    Esta testimonia es muy especial. Muchas gracias por esto.

  6. Tracy Price

    What a beautiful example of prayer meeting an immediate need. Such a lovely blessing for the whole family. What wonderful work you’re doing as chaplain in the Marin County jail, Rebecca!

  7. George Birdsong

    A great example of our Father mother God’s dear love for all his children. God’s law of adjustment. . .the law of Love

  8. Jan in Grass Valley

    What a beautiful story! And how great that you’re now able to share these awesome healing experiences in Spanish. Great work, All! Gracious indeed.

  9. Ann Kneeland

    Thank you, Chaplain Rebecca, for sharing this beautiful example of the power of Father, Mother God, who is Love!

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